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Vol.04 No.03:
Marine GeoScience Data System Logo
GeoMapApp Banner
Vol.04 No.03

Dear GeoMapApp user,

We are pleased to announce a new release, version 2.8.0.

There are three new features in this release: a new Windows menu; deleting, importing, and exporting a custom color palette, and locking or unlocking a color palette range.

Do you have problems locating the various windows opened in GeoMapApp? GMA 2.8.0 features a Windows menu located on the main map window beside the Help menu. The Windows menu manages all currently opened child windows by displaying a dynamic list. By selecting the item it will help bring the hidden window to front. This includes those which are minimized and docked.

GMA 2.8.0 also features importing, exporting, and deleting a custom color palette. These new features are located under the Palette Menu within the Grid Dialog tool bar. Users are now able to delete their custom color palettes from the application. Users are also able to export the .lut file to their desktop or file directory of choice. Users are able to then import a .lut file into GeoMapApp.

The Lock icon controls keeping a color palette with range values in place. When a palette is imported it will automatically default to lock for the user. Zooming or panning will keep the same color palette with specified ranges locked in the map view. Click on the icon for locking or unlocking.

For more information on other enhancements or bug fixes in this or earlier releases visit our development history page.

The new release can be obtained three different ways:
  1. From the "Download Links" section, select your operating system, and click "AGREE" at the bottom of the page.
  2. Alternatively, you can launch the new version using Java WebStart by clicking the indicated link.
  3. Or just launch your existing version of GeoMapApp, you will be prompted to download the newest version.

Please email us with any problems, comments, and/or suggestions:


Windows Menu

The dynamic Windows menu helps manage all currently opened child windows.


Palette Menu

The Palette Menu has three new functions for a custom palette, delete, export, and import.


Lock and Unlock Value Range of Palette

The Lock and Unlock icon controls the view of a color palette with the ranges in place.

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