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Vol.04 No.02:
Marine GeoScience Data System Logo
GeoMapApp Banner
Vol.04 No.02

Dear GeoMapApp user,

We are pleased to announce a new release, version 2.6.0.

There are six new features in this release which include improved ease of use with the new zoom and pan features, importing and saving Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets in 2007 and 2010 (.xlsx) format, editing the min and max on certain grids before importing, an exemplary MCS portal for USGS data, a disclaimer message before entering the GMA application and a handy tooltip displaying the opacity values on the layer manager.

Tired of toggling between the zoom and pan icons? GMA 2.6.0 features zoom by the mouse scroll wheel and pan by right clicking your mouse and dragging. You can also pan the map by pressing down on the spacebar and moving your mouse. For Mac users who have a track pad enable the two finger scroll options. You can then zoom in and out with a up and down motion.

GMA 2.6.0 also features importing Mircosoft Excel 2007 or 2010 Spreadsheets in .xlsx format by going to the 'Import Table or Spreadsheet' section under the File menu. Once a data table is loaded in GMA you can save the selection or the entire data table in .xlsx format.

Before importing a grid into GMA you can now edit the minimum and maximum values of .grd and .G98 formatted grids. This can be done by going to the 'Import a 2-D Grid File' section under the File menu.

We would like to remind everyone who uses GeoMappApp that the displayed maps, images, and data tables are not to be used for navigation purposes.

The new release can be obtained three different ways:
  1. From the "Download Links" section, select your operating system, and click "AGREE" at the bottom of the page.
  2. Alternatively, you can launch the new version using Java WebStart by clicking the indicated link.
  3. Or just launch your existing version of GeoMapApp, you will be prompted to download the newest version.

Please email us with any problems, comments, and/or suggestions:


Navigation, Images, and Data Disclaimer

Users must agree the displayed maps, images, and data tables are not to be used for navigation purposes before using GMA.


MCS Portal

Multi-Channel Reflection Profiles
Portal featuring a sample of data from USGS


Save as Microsoft Excel .xlsx format

After loading any data table there is a choice to save either the selection or the entire data table in Microsoft Excel .xlsx format

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